A "Really Living" Moment in Time - guest post by Pauline Steinhoffer

(Guest Post by Pauline Steinhoffer)

Last week I had a very special Really Living moment with my son, Dante, age six, in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Due to the drought, the south shore is so shallow that you can walk out 150 yards (at least) in ankle or knee-deep water. I took Dante out quite far and then told him we were going under water. He was confused because he'd been swimming all week in the pool and we'd been out on the lake paddle-boarding and kayaking, and he wasn't sure why it was necessary to walk so far out in order to dunk ourselves in the depths of the lake.

I know from experience that summer is simply not complete without submerging oneself in an alpine lake. It's so different from any other kind of water experience. The water is crisp and cool and invigorating and puts you fully in the moment. Nature's baptism. The sun was setting when I went under first. I came up for air feeling completely transformed. Dante noticed immediately and he quickly went under water. He emerged with the most triumphant "YES!!" I've ever heard from him.

I have no idea how much time we spent out there splashing, unable to stop laughing, and sharing a pretty incredible experience together, but I will never forget it.